
About Us

At Adderlane we have one Year 3 class and one Year 4 class. 

Year 3
Moving into Key Stage 2 is a big transition for our children. Our day is filled with exciting lessons such as Computing, Geography and Science as well as lots of emphasis on Maths and English. Some of our topics include 'The Stone Age' and 'Magnificent Mountains and Forces'.

Year 4
As the oldest children in school, we are preparing for our transition to Middle School. We continue to build on our academic skills and knowledge, but also develop new skills to enable us become more successful, independent and mature learners. Some of our topics include 'The Ango-Saxons' and 'World War 2'.

Our day begins at 8:50am and ends at 3:20pm.

How We Learn

In Key Stage 2, we strongly encourage the children to be more independent, resilient learners. We use a variety of resources to excite and inspire children in a range of topics.

We follow a three week cycle in English leading up to an independent piece of writing. To engage and inspire confident writers, the children will be exposed to a variety of texts and films through their KS2 journey. To support their writing, children have SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) lessons, ensuring they are confident in a range of skills.

We have daily reading sessions following a two week cycle allowing children to work on a number of reading skills, these will include making predictions, summarising texts, dictionary skills, clarifying and vocabulary enrichment. They will also complete a fortnightly fluency check. Year 3 should be reading 90-120 words per minute whilst Year 4 should be reading 100 - 140 words per minute. 

Within maths lessons in KS2, we encourage all children to become independent thinkers when solving problems in this subject and applying knowledge in a range of different ways. Retrieval practice is completed daily to ensure children can remember what they have learnt in the past. The children complete weekly maths mats which allow them to reflect back upon past learning. As a key stage, we expect children to have a sound understanding of the times tables up to 12 in preparation for their statutory multiplication check in Year 4. 

Additionally, children will complete a spelling test weekly. Please continue to support your child at home with their reading and spellings practice as this really does make a difference!

Our Curriculum